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Gemstones By Country
Africa Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01711192111
American Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01845-750651
Australia Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01868-353055
Bangkok Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01711192111
Brazil Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01845-750651
Burma Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01868-353055
Colombian Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01711192111
Indian Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01845-750651
Irani Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01868-353055
Italian Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01711192111
Japanese Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01845-750651
Srilanka Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sec: 03, Rajlaxmi,
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01711192111
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 509, Level 4, Road: 02, Sec: 03, Rajlaxmi,
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01680441143
Zambian Gemstone
Tropical Alauddin Tower, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road: 02, Sector 3, Rajlaxmi
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 01868-353055
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Oldest and Largest: We are Bangladesh’s Oldest and Top Gemstone Shop in Bangladesh Wholesale and Retail Trading Company. Impeccable Reputation: We have an impeccable reputation with no complaints about selling fake gemstones offline or online from anywhere in the world. Extensive Collection: Our Genuine Gemstones collection offers a wide range of original gemstones with different qualities, making us the largest collection in Bangladesh. Genuine Gemstones: Each gemstone has an opportunity to verify its authenticity, allowing you to distinguish between genuine and fake gemstones.
❝Tajmahal Gems World❞ is the Most Dependable and the only Largest Natural Gemstone Company in Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Royal Astrologer Doyal Delower Chishti is one of the Famous Astrologer in Bangladesh. When Buying a Gemstones, You do not Have to Think that the Stone is Real or Fake. The Head of this Organization is The Award Winning Gem Expert of Bangladesh and India and 40 years of Experienced Hereditary Jeweler, Tantric guru and Astrologer Doyal Delower Chishti. In Astrology, Gemstones are Worn for Healing Power, and if the right Combination of Pure or Natural Gemstones is done, good Benefits are Obtained. There was a Request to Come to the Showroom to see our Stone Collection. Meet to Find out the Benefits of Stones According to Your Fortune (Astrology Rashi Gemstone রাশিরত্ন). Tajmahal Gems World is located at Tropical Alauddin Tower Shopping Complex, Shop 526-527, Level 4, Road 02, Sector 03, Uttara, Dhaka 1230. Bangladesh.
The Top Gemstone Shop in Bangladesh for Exquisite Finds | About Us
Discover the top gemstone shop in Bangladesh, offering a wide selection of exquisite gemstones | about us. Find the perfect gemstone for your collection or jewellery needs at this premier Gemstone shopping in Bangladesh. ❝Tajmahal Gems World❞ is the top gemstone shop in BD.